Saturday, October 16, 2021

Dalikyat Around Cebu

For the past months, I only have few getaway that don't involve work. Most of my visits all round Cebu relate to mentorship and distribution. Honestly, I long for a vacation after October. I miss the outdoor truly. 

I Eat Alone and Enjoy It
One time, I was asked if I didn't feel awkward eating in a restaurant alone. Admittedly, I love dining out with friends, and I also enjoy dining out alone.

I don't just feel comfortable but I also feel excited whenever I am in a new restaurant, cafe or even in a little "pungko-pungko". Maybe it is the reason that I always appreciate the idea of cooking and all its creativity and Science. Nothing beats the idea of eating in a newly-opened resto, the nostalgia of fusion food, and the idea of how each menu were conceptualized, cooked, dressed and marketed. I honestly feel so proud when small business owners take time to talk to me and sometime appreciate. 

Dalikyat in Every Appointment 
When I am in a new barangay and trying to familiarize its place, I usually ask around its hang out place. 

So, when I was visiting Barangay Lahug, I did not hesitate to stopover at the Tori Gate at J.Y. Square. It was a hype few months ago and I could only  see it thru social media.
Finally, I had a few minutes to take a photo and basically, breathe in a little. 

Get Together With My Dear Students
It was 2015 when I became the Vice Principal in a certain private school and it was one of the most beautiful things that I experienced. It was not because of the management but it was because of my students that I considered my stay in that school a memorable experience. 

Although it was a short visit, I was so happy seeing my students after 5 or 6 years. They are all grown-up  and mature. During my talk with my students, I saw how they would still think of me as stern but kind educator. It was really heart-warming when they told me that I am one of the people whom they looked up to and one of the people they could easily share their problems with. 

In the end, I shared how I grow from my position before and my social work these days. Yet, my previous teaching experience with them made me realize that teaching does not stop in the classroom. I carry this profession all throughout my life. 

Well, as parting ways, I told them that I always see them as my Senior High School students. They are always part of me wherever I go. 

This 2nd week of October was an inspiring week for me. I breathe. I travelled. I met people who influence me. 


  1. I also enjoy eating alone in a restaurant or coffee shop. It isn't a learned habit; it came naturally to me. I'm more introvert, I guess. Through the years, I developed a certain amount of confidence just by letting people see me eating alone. I know some people find this awkward and embarrasing. But I believe we should be our own best company. Getting comfortable with being alone is a must because we have ourselves for company all the time throughout our lives.

  2. I'm happy for you, Anj. Yes, we need more days to breath, travel bahalag dalikyat, and meet people these days even if not in person. I am glad you were able to reunite with your former students. I am sure they were happy to see you again, too. <3

  3. Salute to all teachers out there who've influenced us to become someone where are now.

  4. It's interesting to learn something about you everytime you post a blog. I didn't know you were a vice-principal, Angel. You wear so many hats, like a wonderwoman of some sorts. You are amah-zing!

  5. It's nice seeing people that you haven't seen for like 5 or more years especially when you last saw them was they were still kids.

    It's just nice to see them grow and it's always fun to reminisce and be glad that you were part of their childhood. Dalikyat pa more!

  6. I don't really have a preference between eating with others and eating alone. It's not as annoying though if you eat alone. Hehe.
