Saturday, February 6, 2021

My Solitary Bliss: My Post-COVID-19 Escapade

Like the seawater, I am fluid. As of the moment, I am moving towards recovery and healing. I guess I need to heal my whole being- not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. 

"This is worth the wait..." 

So let me start my journey with the splashing of the waves as they reached the shore. Physics has taught me that waves are caused by a kinetic energy diffused towards a direction complete with amplitude and frequency. 

"Calming and soothing view..." 

I watched these moving currents as my toes were playing lazily on the gradient of sand and natural energies are transcending in me. They became the springboard of my anxiety, trauma and stress during my isolation. 

For the past 14 days, I had never seen the sun- it’s rising and setting on the horizon is but an anticipated acquaintance. The panoramic view of simple fishing village down south is an appreciation against the four-cornered room of a biohazard COVID-19 facility. The fresh air is undeniably the sweetest fragrance against my experience of anosmia. I couldn’t be so much grateful when my lips tasted the sea’s salinity. 

My post-COVID-19 experience brought me to a certain realization how short life is. How everything could happen abruptly. In a little barangay somewhere down south, I realized how simple living gives a massive impact to one’s mentality. My solitary bliss started with a silent escapade to recovery and ended with appreciation of how wonderful living is. 

Getting there and away:

  1. From the South Bus terminal, take a bus ride going to Barili for only 100.

  2. From the Municipal of Barili, ask a kind habal-habal driver to take you to Barangay Candugay for a minimal fee of Php50.

  3. There are a lot of beach resorts that offer approximately 10 to 100 entrance fee. As for me, I asked the driver, a resident of Candugay, to take me to a public beach, and it was all worth it. 



  1. I like your introspective blogs. It reminds me to slow down and savor what I have at the present. It reminds me to enjoy the little things in life and to always be in the moment.

    1. Thank you, Natter Negosyo. I must say that I am most appreciative about life after I had COVID-19. Being in an isolation facility was one of the hardest moments in my life.

  2. It has been a long time I wanted to go out every now and then. Good for you, you got a chance to go out and enyoy for a quick vacation.

    1. Hi, Reck Adventures. It was more like part of my healing process after having contracted with COVID-19. My experience in the isolation facility was indescribable. Not mention the anxiety and stress brought about by the disease, itself.

  3. Glad to know that you have recovered and able to travel again. Yes, agree that when a life-changing experience happen, it truly makes us more reflective and introspective. Stay healthy and take care.

    1. Thank you, Margaux. It was an experience I will never wish to happen for somebody. It was totally difficult and so anxiety-builder! Hahah! Likewise, Margaux. Stay healthy and safe...

  4. Angel, stay healthy and please take care. I am glad to know updates about your healing journey through your blog. Writing your thoughts and experience, traveling are therapeutic activities, too, and I am happy that you can do these things. Looking forward to seeing you in person soon. Love, Armie

  5. Angel! i love how you highlight to be appreciative of what we have right now and learn to be happy in little ways like a calm sea water it reminds to be more calm whenever we are hit by traumatic experiences.

  6. I'm very happy that you fully recovered from Covid-19. Also, please take time to heal mentally and emotionally. If you need more outdoor escapade please do so. I think we all deserve to live our life as happy as it can be. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

  7. This realization is so important. This is what I've realized as well. Life is indeed so short so as much as possible while we still have time, we have to make the most of it. Yes, our mental health these days has been greatly affected, so let's make sure to take time taking ourselves. Take care of yourself Anjville. -Julius Malaza

  8. Hi, Anj! You have a very beautiful reflection. Our best reflections sometimes come in solitude. Keep well!
