Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Theater: My Life and A Journey

"Humans are capable of showing different emotions. Our body is a powerful tool to send a message to the world about how we feel and how everything is going on around us." These were the lines I had listened to when I arrived in the workshop. 
"Mime lesson with these kids"

I was delighted that my friend invited me to attend a Theater Arts Workshop. It brought back the days when I, too, was one of the participants.

Unknown to everyone, I played a leading character in a certain broadway musical when I was in high school. Afterwhich, I had a chance to undergo Film Acting during my college days. But I found my love in screenwriting when I realized that writing consumes my greatest passion apart from acting. 
"Invited my then-student, Washil, who helped me with the backdrop during the Recital Program"

But I never put theater acting aside from my journey. When presentation calls for an actress, I still aced the stage. When I deliver my lectures in the classroom, I always imagine that I am performing on stage and my students are my audience.  But of course, with their active participation. Theater Arts and acting will always remain as part of my life and a continuing journey. 

During that Theater Arts Workshop, I was no longer a participant but a volunteer who would help facilitate the workshop for teenagers. I looked at the participants with so much enthusiasm as it served as a reflection who I was once before. 
"The people who made the workshop successful."

I thought I had already gained a lot of information about the Theater Arts but I found myself learning something new and I am here to share these learning to you. 

1. Emotion Chair - to express different kinds of emotions, the participants are asked to create a scenario when approaching the emotion chairs. There were four chairs with assigned emotion - angry, sad, happy, and fear. After which, the participants were processed about how they felt when they changed their emotion from the next. 

2. Characterization - when an actor or actress want to portray a certain role, he/she needs to be in character for a successful role depiction. To imbibe successful characterization, one must Focus, Concentrate and Internalize. 

3. A character must be 3 Dimensional. Meaning the character possesses these three dimensions:
A. Physiological Dimension - consists of gender, age. physical appearance and name
B. Psychological Dimension - thoughts, feelings, economic status and ambition
C. Sociological - race/ nationality, belief

4. Different Forms of Performances such as Dramatized Poem or Poetry, Ensemble Acting, Realistic Drama, Song/Dance Presentation, Comics, Radio Drama and Mime

These were among the things I have learned during the Theater Arts Workshop even if I was no longer a participant. For always, I consider Theater Acting as part of my life's journey. 

P.S.: The Workshop was held last August 4-5, 2018. The venue was in Victo Retreat House, Beverly Hills. 

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